Saturday, December 20, 2008

4K Islands..Welcome to Laos!

After heading up north through Cambodia with an overnight stop in quiet Stung Treng, we crossed the border into Laos. We went through the border, got a stamp, got dropped off and then picked up in another van. That van proceded to fill up with people heading back to Cambodia, but we were reassured that we were on the right bus. So, we drove back to the border, dropped the crowd of people off going south, turned around again, and were on our way again into Laos. Our first stop in Laos was 4 Thousand Islands, on the island of Don Dhet. Don Dhet has 2 main streets, Sunrise and Sunset. We settled into a (very) small bungalow on Sunset blvd, complete with hammocks and an amazing view . Don Dhet is connected to the island just south, Don Khon, where you can catch a boat to view the rare river dolphins. We rented bikes and biked the dusty, bumpy road down to the other island, hired a boat, and floated out to somewhere on the water between Laos and Cambodia. Our driver spoke no English, but he was able to point out quite a few of the dolphins. Unfortantely they were fairly far away, and when we asked to go closer, he said, 'no, Cambodia!'. We stayed on the water till just before sunset, then came back and rushed to a nearby beach to watch the beautiful sunset. Riding back it got a little dark, but we made it back, had some dinner with Cav (from Denver, yah!) and Susie (Germany).
The next day we rented bikes again and continued exploring the islands. We rode to a small waterfall, lots of beautiful scenery, and a fabulous bakery!! We made sure to be back at our bungalow to watch the sunset from our hammocks which was amazing! Laos is definitely beautiful and I cant wait to see more!
PS We should have pictures up soon for Cambodia and Laos!!

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